A little bit about me and my art

Hey all,

I know that many who will visit this page do not know me personally, so I shall take a moment to share a bit of my story with you here.

I’m Nicole. I am a philologist. I have studied Assyriology at the University of Toronto and the University of Chicago. I enjoy studying texts written in ancient languages — primarily Akkadian and Sumerian, although I also have knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Ge’ez. As I go about my studies, I attempt to strip away the presuppositions that I hold in my mind as I try to approach peoples and cultures so distant from my own with integrity and honesty and a heart to understand who these people were and how they went through life, motivated by different values, beliefs, hopes and dreams, but also by the pragmatic motives of feeding hungry mouths, combating sickness through magic and medicine, and just making it one more day in an unsympathetic world. My primary area of interest is Mesopotamian foodways.

At the moment I am taking a hiatus from academia and focusing on family, mental health, and other adventures. During this time, I will be making and sharing art inspired by my studies of the ancient world. I will be sharing my new artwork here on my website and on Instagram. If you are interested in owning a piece of my artwork or you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
